
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dragon Army Barracks

How I imagined Dragon Army Barracks in the Battle School....

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ender's Game Battle Suits

Drawing of Ender's Game Flash Suit Concept by Darian Robbins
This was another design I had for the Ender's Game Battle Suits. It had more of a motorcycle suit feel to it and it would of been filled with padding to protect the kids from injuries sustained by collisions. In Zero-G it is hard to slow down, neh?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shadow of the Hegemon Storyboard

Although we still have little over a year before we see the Ender's Game movie, I am always thinking about potential sequels like "Shadow of the Hegemon" . There was one sequence I decided to storyboard a few years back when I first read it. It was when Peter had Suriwong and his team free Achilles.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Battle School Logo

When they adapted Ender's Game to the Comic Books Orson Scott Card approached me about using my insignia designs for the Battle School into the series:

This was my design for the Battle School:

Battle School Logo Insiginia by Darian Robbins inspired by Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

This what it was transformed too as a variant cover for the Comic Book Adaptation by an amazing artist Emily Warren

This appeared on the Variant cover for Ender's Game comic book series:

If you look inside the front cover of the entire Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow series and look under the Special thanks section you will see my name.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ender's Game Movie Fan Posters from years ago...

Long ago in a galaxy far far away, during an early adaption of Ender's Game the movie, Jake LLoyd was the front runner to play Ender. That was so 2000 or 2001, but take a look at some old fan movie posters I created and just dug up anway!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Battle Suit Concepts

                  This was a early one ...circa 1999 or 2000
I did this beauty in 2007

Friday, January 6, 2012

These are Battle School Army Insignias that I designed for the various armies Ender commanded or served.  I created the Dragon Army first and I put it on a t-shirt and wore it to an Card book signing in 2000. When he saw it, he loved it and ended up asking me to create the other 3 logos then he licensed these images from me to sell on the Hatrack Site!(

Dragon Army Logo or Insignia, based on Ender's Game Movie
Phoenix Army Logo or Insignia, based on Ender's Game Movie
Rat Army Logo or Insignia, based on Ender's Game Movie
Salamander Army Logo or Insignia, based on Ender's Game Movie

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Battle School

This was a illustration I created some years ago of the Battle School from Ender's Game based on designs of my friend and engineering extraordinaire Steve Syswak. This illustration was included in The Authorized Ender's Companion published in 2009.